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Spöko-Portal: Platform for Sport, Business & Law Studies

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Exercise Check FuldaHide

Central results of the exercise check Fulda 2010-2015 show that the investigated group of 8-year-old children of the second grade show an over average degree of fitness and most tested individuals are significantly above the German reference level. Especially in coordination (sidewise jumps, balance and forward bends) and running endurance boys and girls from Fulda are superior compared with their nationwide contemporaries. With this performance, the children can be classified into the top 20 percent (SDS = 0,8) of the performance best children of Germany. More Information…

“Service Learning” SeminarsHide

In cooperation with diverse partners out of the business practice, i. a. FC Schake 04, the festival of young artists Bayreuth, the touristic destination Scheidegg, the Bavarian sports association e.V. (BLSV) or the non-profit organization TDKET “Service Learning”-Seminars are provided by the Chair of Marketing & Service Management.

Under guidance of Prof. Dr. Herbert Woratschek, the project coach Dr. Thomas von Lingen (PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Dangelmayer&Seemann GmbH) and a project coordinator (changing research assistants of Chair of Service Management) business administration and sport, business & law students of the University of Bayreuth accomplish mandates of practice partners. In the past a social-media guideline, a brand concept, a success factor analysis or a corporate-design manual was developed.

The event kicks off with a 2-day block seminar lectured by Dr. Thomas von Lingen, in which students are advised about methods and instruments of project management. At the end of the course the mandates and practice partners are published and hence a framework is given to clarify the direction of the tasks. For the following project, work groups and work packages are defined and final results will be presented in front of the principals.

Further practice- and research-cooperation can be found on the webpage of the Chair of Marketing & Service Management....

unikat 2017

The summer event “UNIKAT” of the University of Bayreuth as an example of event and project management in WS 2017/18 and SS18 for master students of business administration and sport, business & law.

Wonderful opportunity for students to acquire methods and success factors of event and project management and apply their acquirements in practical terms. Furthermore, students train joined-up thinking as well as decision making in complex situations. From the beginning of the planning students co-create all steps of the event. The different working areas (e.g. sponsoring, marketing, catering, framework program, logistics) will be processed by project groups.

Further information to this and other topics of research can be found at the Department of Sport Governance & Event Management…

Sportoekonomie Consulting Hide
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The student consulting in sports management. Further Information can be found under…

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